Macrame from the Sea
Macrame from the Sea consists of four images from a longer, 34-image series, all taken on North Island, the Naval base abutting Coronado, near San Diego, California. What was striking about North Island is that the seaweed and its entanglements were allowed to remain on the beach, both protecting and decorating it. On the other hand, the beach at the touristy-end of the island was swept clean every morning, sanitizing it of both trash left behind by humans, and of every bit of seaweed and other things tossed up by the ocean as if they didn't belong there.
Jim Ross jumped into creative pursuits in 2015 after a rewarding career in public health research. With graduate degree from Howard University, in seven years he's published nonfiction, fiction, poetry, photography, and hybrid in over 175 journals and anthologies on five continents. Photo publications include Bombay Gin, Burningword, Camas, Columbia Journal, Feral, Manchester Review, Stonecoast, and Typehouse. Photo essays include Barren, DASH, Kestrel, Ilanot Review, Litro, New World Writing, Sweet, So It Goes, and Wordpeace, with Typehouse forthcoming. Jim and his wife—parents of two health professionals and grandparents of five little ones—split their time between city and mountains.