song of the stomata
by Lorelei Bacht
this dream is skinned in soil. the story
grows itself: texture, composition
in numbers large and small.
in a few days, this animal will bloom
an eden of larvae, iridescent beetles,
bluebottle maggots rounding multitudes
of mouths.
everything beautiful, that plays a part.
every word spelled
by this embodiment, every gold leaf
re-read, re-told, decided into re-newal.
in their next chance, your eyes
will be: river, pebbles, mayfly.
every being a concatenation.
we call our beginnings: humus.
and must wait to return to its cool
forgiveness. we are how the earth tells
itself: the vertical ascent of grass
blades in the sun. the microscopic mouths
that sing, that sing.
Lorelei Bacht successfully escaped grey skies and red buses to live and write somewhere in the monsoon forest. Their recent writing has appeared and/or is forthcoming in After the Pause, Barrelhouse, The Bitchin' Kitsch, SWWIM, The Inflectionist Review, Sinking City, Door is a Jar, and elsewhere. They are also on Instagram: @lorelei.bacht.writer and on Twitter @bachtlorelei.